Friday, September 9, 2011

An Introduction

Hi! I'm Aysha Adrees, the "Ay" in Aysha pronounced like the "ay" in papaya. [[Um, yeah. Papaya was the only word I could think of...]] I'm a 15-year-old Pakistani girl living in a very diverse-less town, which exclaims "monotony" and "nothing ever happens around here," that frankly, has no degree of interest or importance to me, including its inhabitants. I can say that I definitely see myself not looking back to this small city in the upcoming years of my life. I can't say I have any hobbies, because while I'd love to be able to play piano or violin, or take at least halfway impressive photos, I don't.

That's why literature is kind of my life. I am very into my academics and all, but lit. is not just a value but something that I actually like, or rather, love to do. And so I obsess and invest much time in reading lyrics to songs, writing in my journal, very occasionally composing a poem, reading and writing quotes from books, songs, and people, researching old writers, poets, playwrights etcetera, etcetera. Some of my faves are, by the way, [[Jalal ud Din]] Rumi, Hafez, Bulleh Shah as well as the Western poets, Shakespeare, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Khalil Gibran, and the like.

I plan to take Journalism all four years of high school. In Journalism as a freshman last year, I was publicity manager of our school newspaper. And once in 8th grade, I somehow managed to get a poem I wrote about snow in the yearbook. But now, I am not really concerned about pursuing my own passion in perfecting or publishing my writing, but rather learning and gathering info about famous as well as not-so-known, preferably historical, poets and authors. This blog will be a complilation essentially. I will find the rarest, most beautiful quotes. Give reference to the best books. Attempt to heal myself and others' with the composers' sweet lyrics. I hope you feel the most dominant emotion I feel when reading the ink of these verses :


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