Monday, November 7, 2011

Spread the Word

Hey guys!

First of all, I forgot to say that a while back I got my essay published on the This I Believe website! You can check it out here:
I would also recommend reading essays by others. I remember that I reeeally liked Helen Keller's and Muhammad Ali's.

Also, I am going to be guest writing for another website called DharmaDeen which is about the alliance of Muslims and Hindus. The articles seem extremely effective in my opinion. They have great messages. Here's a video I saw that the website made.

DharmaDeen is a great blog but it is in lack of Muslim writers, so if you're interested, contact them. They also have a facebook page.


1 comment:

  1. Aysha! I just wanted to let you know that I am still reading your blog! You are so talented!!!!!!! Love you :)


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