Hey guys! I just came up with some poems last night. I went to sleep real late so please read them so my effort won't go to waste! :) Ponder them, comment and tell me your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks!
For more, go to the Poetry page. :)
Peace & love.
Snow rain
Sun moon
Tear dimple
Bland color
Shiver comfort
You me
Writing is Secret
The tip of a pen
Carries an impatient drop of ink.
The writing utensil is used for
Only my most deep thoughts,
emotions are attached
to its drop
for it to spill
and bleed to spread to form letters, words,
to fill a page.
My feelings.
Solitude is
Hearing yourself
Speak the insightful words aloud of The Holy Book
Is not a coat button,
Does not obligate strained effort
But a zipper,
For which the motions of the mouth
Flow easily when said and savor,
relish each phrase.
A zipper
may get stuck when confused
But, God willing,
Will fix and continue again
To stop at the end
Of the coat.
- Of the Book.
Warmth radiates
From yourself
By one thing.
Warmth of the soul
And heart
Comes not from a mere blanket
Or a funny saying
Or a good book.
Not unless
Warmth radiates from you
Out of you
Transferring around you.
Wild Animals
I can endure
But most certainly not a broken heart.
Whip me, put my finger in the flame
But really
Demoralize His name -
Cause worry or grief of any of the various sickening kinds
to the creation of God.
Call me soft, if that is an insult in your terms
Though I wonder the logic if everyone knows what it’s like, how it feels .
We are no different than wild animals.
I’m wrong.
Not even boars, poisonous snakes do this
I cannot stand to see another human,
The most sensitive creature
Of which only and only Lord knows its insides
Whoever he or she shall be, righteous or not,
In mental pain.
For that is what causes God much pain,
And me the same.
Planted a seed
In a cloud
Until out of it grew a tree.
I watered it
Watered it
Watered it
Till it rained.
Gardens below, on earth, flourished
Overpopulating, multiplying
Till I needed another cloud.
I Can Do What I Want To
I want to be able to
Keep up
Freeze time
As every splash from the grey sky
Hits the lake.
As every leaf from a dry branch of fig
Lands on
Cold dirt.
But then again
I could witness the departure of each petal of a tulip
From its stem
By taking it apart
For more, go to the Poetry page. :)
Peace & love.